
Thanks to a collaboration between Coordinated School Health, STEM, and Save the Children, 6th grade students at DCMS got a chance to learn about the science and math that goes in to cooking this week.  During their STEM class with Ms. Jill Farlow, the 6th graders got a chance to receive a book from Save the Children with recipes for teens that are healthy and taste good.  Mrs. Jessica Hollingsworth from Coordinated School Health came each day with all of the supplies to make a healthy omelette.  Students completed the process from beginning to end including cutting their own vegetables and cooking the final product.  The got to learn about math in the kitchen by measuring and chopping and science through the cooking process itself.  Each student got to take home their own copy of the cook book and learned a valuable life skill.  Thank you to everyone involved in making this a memorable experience for our students.